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Hiking and Trail Running

Hikers love Glacial Hills - great views, abundant nature, winding paths and rolling hills create an unforgettable experience. While every stretch of trail has great features, the following suggested loops have become particularly favorite hiking routes:


Pine Tree – A pleasant trail winding through the pine trees perfect for families with children or hikers seeking gentler climbs. Pine Tree is reached from Marker 1 near the Eckhardt Trail Head. The trail consists of two 0.75 mike loops connected at the marker and flanking the two sides of the parking. (15-20 minutes per loop)


The Lake Bellaire Overlook – A popular hike at Glacial given the great views, a moderate climb, and only 0.5 miles from the Eckhardt Trail Head to reach the Lake Bellaire overlook and a restful bench. Hikers will find an uphill approach with frequent elevation changes so the loop may feel a little longer, but it is all downhill on the return trip to the parking, with options to explore other parts of the trail at Marker #17 before heading back to the parking lot. (50-70 minutes) 


The Bear Den – The Bear Den Trail has become a favorite of trail runners due to the frequent relatively gentle elevation changes and striking views of the Bear Valley.  It is found at the Vandermark Trailhead and is approximately 3.3 miles of joy. (69-80minutes)


The Wall – The Wall route (2.6 miles) scales a portion the steepest hill in the trail system where hikers are treated to great views of the wild lands below and (seasonally) Intermediate Lake and Craven Pond beyond.  A descent into the Valley brings you into wetlands, and a steep ascent back toward the crown of the hill.  (50-70 minutes) 

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